Graduation Gratitude – First Steps Indigenous Employment Programs

I often get asked why we work in the Indigenous employment field. For me, it’s about making a difference and because I genuinely love the people we work with. They are truly grateful for the experience and the opportunities they gain from being part of a First Steps program.

Last week, Innovative Solutions Australia’s first Gold Coast program graduated 12 new Indigenous Coles employees. We achieved a 100% success rate! All of the graduates have already started in their new jobs with the new Coles store at Pacific Pines.

The following is an extract of a speech written by one of our graduates last week. They did not read out the speech at Graduation, but handed me the speech afterwards. It really made me love what we do even more;

“ . . . Innovative Solutions Australia; the meaning behind the name is creating effective outcomes for our Indigenous mob. Run by Peter and Christine Ryan. 

They have gone beyond and above for each and everyone of us.

Their professional approach, teaching and support has enabled all of our team to graduate today and gain employment with Coles. Thank you.

Peter and Christine, what you both have given all of us is so much more than the knowledge to Coles duties, values and team work. You have empowered each and everyone of us of the qualities we posses within ourselves, the motivational talks to push through our daily lives with assertiveness, confidence and can-do attitude, to realise and except how capable we are and that there is so much more to who we are and what we can achieve and to go for it.

I know I speak for all of our team that we have all gained a great growth within ourselves and each other. 

Credit to you both through your teachings of knowledge, strength and compassion and belief in us all. 

We all wish you both more greatness and power to keep your program moving forward, especially on the Gold Coast as we are your first team here, because you are an asset and inspiration, not only to our mob, but for any company. They could only benefit from your encouraging program.

Thank you so very much from your 1st 2016 Gold Coast team, may there be many more.”
